Collaborative Leadership

We live in an increasingly interconnected world.

In today’s economy market pressures and resource constraints require organisations to form many partnerships, coalitions and other alliances in order to deliver results. For leaders this often means having to bring together people and organisations with very different cultures and ways of working. This is a challenge for any leader and to be successful collaborative leaders have to learn how to share control, to handle the inevitable conflict, and to build trusting relationships.

At Socia we’ve worked with collaborative leaders in all sectors for many years and learnt from their experience. This experience combined with the research for our book Collaborative Leadership: How to succeed in an interconnected world has been distilled into a unique collaborative leadership model with 6 dimensions.

The six key attributes of a collaborative leader

  • Agility
  • Patience
  • Collective decision making
  • Empathy
  • Handling conflict
  • Building relationships

Answering the questions in this online survey will help you assess your own capability in these areas and this information, combined with feedback from your colleagues through a 360° feedback process, will give you invaluable insights into where to focus your personal leadership development effort in future.

This feedback tool can also be used with our MBTI and collaboration profile to give you a unique perspective on your leadership style and its impact on others.

What next?

We provide a confidential 360° feedback de-brief for an individual leader and we also run large scale collaborative leadership development programmes (which include 360° feedback) across the whole leadership population of an organisation.

If you have already been given your Username and Password as part of a Socia development programme please login now and you will be able to set up your own online survey.

If you want to find out more about Socia and what we do please contact us on 0870 787 6202 or